New: Endowment Fund
The Endowment Fund (EF) for perpetual care of the Litchfield Opera House was established in September 2021, with an initial deposit of $4,705.00. Thrivent was selected to carry this fund. Paul White of Thrivent made a personal donation of $1,000.00 to the initial fund, which will be matched by another $1,000.00 from Thrivent. Anyone is welcome to donate to the Endowment Fund at any time or arrange a bequest to it.
The Opera House can also accept Thrivent Choice Dollars. If you have insurance through Thrivent, you may qualify to donate to GLOHA at no cost to you via “Thrivent Choice Dollars.” These are allocated annually and are based on the amount of your insurance. The intent is to give you a voice in where Thrivent directs some of its charitable donations. GLOHA is in the Choice Dollars system and you can go online to do this.
Qualified Charitable Distribution: People who are over 70.5 years of age can use a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from their retirement account to donate taxable dollars tax-free. When taking a distribution from your retirement account, if you have a donation transferred directly to GLOHA, you will not pay income tax on the dollars donated. Consult your financial consultant for questions and complete details.
Our online donation system is under construction. To make a monetary donation to the Litchfield Opera House, please feel free to call us at (320) 535-0829 or send monetary donations to GLOHAI, P.O. Box 228, Litchfield, MN 55355. Thank you.